Ashwood Manor Motel

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16 Thackeray Street, Central Business District, Hamilton
Hours of operation
8am-8.30pm 7days
Months of operation
All Year
Phone number
+64 7 838 3845
Free phone number
Spacious Studio & Spa Studio suites, free parking and Wi-Fi. Hamilton's City Centre, restaurants and entertainment precinct . Also close to Waikato and Braemar Hospitals, eye clinic and specialist medical services. A great base to stay.
Quality Motel of 27 modern studio and spa studio suite. 9 spacious studios and 18 luxury Spa studios as well as 2 interconnecting rooms for families. A very quiet location within two blocks of the centre, restaurants and Hamilton Casino. There is free off- street parking and free Wi-Fi. We are close to Waikato and Braemar Hospital, A & E, and specialist medical services such as the eye clinic and fertility specialist. Hamilton Lake and the beautiful Hamilton Gardens are also nearby. Each of our rooms as well equipped kitchenette facilities with bench top ovens available. Laundry facilities for use if required.
$129 - 270 (Adult)
Proximity to Airport:
16 min drive
Proximity to Town:
2 mins walk
Proximity To Coach Terminal:
10 min walk
FREE off street parking
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