Rural Tours Ltd - Waikato Farmstays

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Cambridge; New Zealand, , Cambridge
Hours of operation
8.30am - 5pm (Mon - Fri)
Months of operation
All Year
Phone number
+64 7 827 8055
Relax in hosted accommodation and immerse yourself in New Zealand's rural settings in the Waikato. Get the opportunity of a guided farm tour, and enjoy a 3 course New Zealand style home cooked meal in a private home.
Experience a farmstay with our rural properties available throughout the Waikato. Immerse yourself in the farming lifestyle, where you can really get back to your grassroots. With a guided farm tour with your host/farmer you will learn about their farming life. Appreciate NZ's stunning rural landscapes, then relax for the evening with a 3 course NZ style meal, with complimentary beverage, prepared by your host. Enjoy conversation over the dinner table and find out all about the local hidden gems. Cooked/continental breakfast before you depart on your travels. We are NZ's largest farmstay provider that is NZ owned & operated for more than 30 years. We organise stays at local farms, where guests are hosted by local farmers in their homes.
$136.5 - 241.5 (Adult)
Parking onsite
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