Tuakau Hotel

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1 - 3 George Street, Tuakau, Tuakau
Hours of operation
7am to 1am Sunday to Saturday (Check in for the Hotel is available 24hr by arrangement)
Months of operation
All Year
Phone number
+64 9 236 8084
A boutique hotel with warm, friendly hospitality at the Gateway to Waikato within one hours' drive of Auckland or Hamilton.
Our vision is rooted in our unique position as the gateway between the vibrant heart of Auckland and the serene beauty of Waikato. Nestled between these two worlds, we offer a haven where history and modern comfort converge. Our commitment to sustainability, local excellence, and active community engagement is the foundation of our identity. We take pride in being a catalyst for local growth, and in embodying the spirit of genuine local hospitality. Whether serving corporate guests seeking the comforts of home or leisure travelers eager to explore, we offer them the opportunity to immerse themselves in our local are before continuing their journey to their next destination.
$160 - 240 (Adult)
Proximity to Airport:
40 minutes to Auckland International Airport
Proximity to Town:
Our hotel is on the main street of Tuakau, 45 minutes from Auckland and 1 hour from Hamilton.
Proximity To Coach Terminal:
Coaches and buses stop at the Bombay Hill 15 minutes from Hotel and Pukekohe also 15 minutes from Hotel.
Car park is available for guests of the Tuakau Hotel.
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