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  4. Walking & Hiking Trails

Walking & Hiking Trails

From casual strolls along the river to overnight bush excursions and winding mountain tracks, the Waikato region has a variety of great walking trails to suit everyone. Meander alongside the Waikato River or get the pulse racing climbing to an inspirational mountain top view. There is everything from gentle jaunts on well laid out tracks to more ambitious hikes including overnight hut stays – and it's all easily accessible.

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You don’t need to be super fit to enjoy super views in the Waikato region. The region’s high points have breathtaking vistas, whether that’s the rich green farming countryside spread below you like a checked tablecloth, or the distant sight of snow-capped mountains to the south. 

Check out the range of walking trails below or explore our Top Waikato Walking Trails, offering everything from gentle scenic trails to challenging hikes with rewarding views and beautiful waterfalls.

Walking Trails in the Waikato region

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